Can We Truly Measure Source of Hire?

Source of Hire (SoH) is a significant metric to determine what percentage of your overall hires entered your talent pipeline from a particular recruitment channel and it has always been a controversial metric within talent acquisition. Conventionally, employers use a multitude of different avenues to advertise their open positions. Categorizing the precise SoH can be […]

Source of Hire… Is it back?

One by one the touch-points influencing candidates at the beginning of their journey are becoming better understood and measured. This CXR webinar with CareerXroads (Gerry Crispin), Mary Grace Hennessy (GraceRock), Martin Burns (Hireclix) and three hard-working practitioners – Jennifer Tracy (Spectrum), Adam Eisenstein (Boston Consulting Group) and Allyn Bailey (Intel) offer much more than a […]

Source of Hire: Maybe it’s time to renew the discussion

I was reminded last month that it has been nearly four years since Chris and I wrote the last CareerXroads’ (CXR) Source of Hire Report. It has me wondering: are we really ready to measure the influences that trigger candidate decisions on their long and winding journey to your [incredible] opportunity?

A current glimpse into Source of Hire

Source of hire data might just be the holy grail of recruiting. Knowing where your top hires come from and where you should spend your budget is certainly important… while also being notoriously difficult to track. Here at CareerXroads, we’ve done our share of research trying to help nail down some definitive answers. (Anyone remember […]

CareerXroads Sourcing Investments Report

For as long as many in the industry can remember, they’ve been trying to successfully track “source of hire” data in an effort to discover where their top hires come from and to project where budgets should be spent.  In this recent CareerXroads recruiting budget benchmark report we asked our members to share how they’re […]

CXR Pulse Survey: Determining & Tracking Employee Referrals

While it likely doesn’t surprise anyone that nearly 90% of our current CareerXroads members that responded to this “Pulse” survey report to track employee referrals as a source of hire, it could come as news that a large portion of enterprise-sized organizations still leave it up to the candidate to identify themselves as a referral. […]