Talent Acquisition Learnings from Ireland

For the second year in a row, CXR was asked to bring a select group of HR and Recruiting professionals to Dublin, Ireland to meet with various talent acquisition peers and industry tech start-ups. “It was an excellent opportunity for these leaders to meet with a variety of different TA resources emerging in Ireland to […]
CXR Talks Talent: Holistic Talent Management
In episode two of the new CXR Talks Talent Podcast, Chris Hoyt, President of CXR, and Lars Schmidt, Managing Director of our Talent Management Community, discuss the importance of holistic talent management. If your recruiting operations are silo’d from your HR and talent management peers, you might be missing opportunities to drive greater impact with […]
How Do You Define Community?
We define community in many different ways. It is certainly a group of people with something particular in common. But community can also be a feeling – a feeling of being home, of fellowship with others, of being welcome, and of having your ideas and input valued. Community is important to us here at CXR. […]
CXR Podcast: Hoyt talks with AARP and Teradata about the Talent Experience””
In this podcast, Chris Hoyt catches up with Grant Clough, Director of Talent Acquisition, AARP and Scott Weaver, Director of Talent Acquisition, Teradata, to talk about not only the experience of candidates but of the larger TA structure. In the recent CXR meeting that addressed the full stakeholder experience (Candidate, Recruiter, and Hiring Managers) these […]
CXR Podcast with Advocate Aurora Health’s Melissa Le
Gerry Crispin meets with Melissa Le after a recent CXR colloquium meeting to talk about her big takeaways after a day and a half with over 30 TA leaders focused on a new take on the Candidate Experience. At the Charlotte-based Spectrum headquarters, we spent two days collaborating with professionals from across the country who were […]
Up neXt Podcast: Yvette Stortz
In this episode of Up neXt, Gerry connects with Yvette Stortz to talk about what she’s doing at United Technologies and how she views some of the exciting things going on within Talent Acquisition today. Listen to this podcast, and dozens more, in the new CXR Podcasts site where you can subscribe to future episodes […]