Using data to move the needle on diversity, equity & inclusion

Last fall we asked the Analytics Community what they thought would be a prime issue for 2020. (You’re laughing now aren’t you?) Certainly none of us could have predicted what has actually happened and turned much of our world upside-down. However, one of the issues our members raised has indeed risen even more to the […]
Novel Coronavirus Forcing An Overdue Evolution (or two) in Talent

As of this writing, Johns Hopkins reports that there are over 121,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases globally. (You can see the live reporting dashboard here.) With a reported 4,373 deaths and over 66,000 recoveries, today the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the novel Coronavirus a pandemic. In short, it’s a global problem that’s being recognized […]
The Ultimate Recruiting Metric
If you had to pick the “one” measure of the recruiting function, what would you pick?