CXR Recommends: Research on AI & Hiring

We recently took some time to review a new research report from Madeline Laurano of Aptitude Research: Conversational AI and the Future of Hiring and recommend you do the same. Whether AI is the future or not, is moot. It is what companies are investing time and energy experimenting with right now. The advent of […]
Open CXR Benchmark: Culinary Recruiting

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of recruiting within the field of the culinary arts, you know that it’s oftentimes more difficult than expected.
CareerXroads Report on Recruiting Org Structures
At CareerXroads we create and house hundreds of peer-driven benchmark reports and surveys that range in topics from vendor selection to global org structures. Recently our members asked for a quick report out on how global Talent Acquisition teams were structured and managing the work of recruitment. What we found was that whether or not […]