E383 Recruiting Community: Creative Early Career Attraction and Indyfluence

Looking for a creative way to attract and retain early career talent? Then tune into this week's podcast as Terra Doyle, Recruitment Practice Lead Americas for Roche, talks about their involvement in a community-based organization: Indyfluence. We love talking about community here at CXR and the way this group has leveraged community is inspiring!

E383 Recruiting Community: Creative Early Career Attraction and Indyfluence

Looking for a creative way to attract and retain early career talent? Then tune into this week's podcast as Terra Doyle, Recruitment Practice Lead Americas for Roche, talks about their involvement in a community-based organization: Indyfluence. We love talking about community here at CXR and the way this group has leveraged community is inspiring!

Chris Hoyt, CXR
But I will start by saying I will come back to it because it’s a ridiculous statement. But I have met some stupid people in my time but I have never met a stupid boat captain. Like, you have to know your stuff, right? Absolutely.

Terra Doyle 0:12
It’s it is an absolute art.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:15
So are you Where are you on the scale of like, just tell me what to do versus I know to go grab that and tie it into a particular kind of knot. Um, I pretty

Terra Doyle 0:24
much know what I’ve seen on movies. So that would be I think there’s a boom in there somewhere. Maybe there’s like us star buds. I don’t know. So literally, I’m the ignorant person. You’re talking about? I know 0%.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:39
Oh my god. I’ve never I would love to. I’ve never even I don’t think I’ve ever been on a sailboat. Never.

Terra Doyle 0:44
Ever. Okay, first time for everything.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:48
Yeah, so but you’ve got a you have a boat trip, sailboat trip coming up. celebrating a birthday. Happy birthday, by the way.

Terra Doyle 0:56
Thank you very much.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:57
Very cool. And then where it can you can you share? No, we’re live. But can you share where you’re going again? Just kinda so we can all celebrate that.

Terra Doyle 1:03
Yeah, absolutely. So St. Maarten St. Barts and Anguilla. So those are kind of a little island cluster together. So kind of deep in the Caribbean, beautiful waters and probably amazing food and people. So I’ll circle back with you. But it should be a really great time.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:18
Oh my gosh, well, I can’t wait to see pictures that you put or that other people post or whatever. Very exciting. And hopefully some inventive boat names come out of that,

Terra Doyle 1:26
So yes, I hope there will be.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:29
Alright. Are you ready to get started? Yeah, let’s do it. All right, here we go.

CXR Announcer 1:33
Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and Talent Management. listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We’re glad you’re here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:03
Right, everybody, good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Welcome back to the recruiting community podcast show. This is a labor of love. We don’t do advertisements on this. But we do talk to you about what’s going on within the CXR community. So this is about a 20 minute chat, where we bring in ta leaders that we’re super fond of that we think are doing cool work, folks within the space to just kind of talk about what’s keeping them up at night. Right? what’s on their mind. A couple of things, just a little, a little bit of housekeeping. So we are streaming on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, a couple other spots, you can find this episode and all previous episodes, and what’s coming up at CXR. org slash podcast super easy to do that. But if you happen to be on LinkedIn, we’ve got the live chat going today. So if you want to jump in, ask some questions, that kind of thing. So write share LinkedIn profile, talk to each other, use that thing. That is LinkedIn, however, you see fit, but. But we’d enjoy hearing from you. And if you ask a relevant question, something like that, we’ll put it up on the screen, we’ll do our best to get to it. Really quickly, though, before we jump in, I want to do real quick, I want to throw up on the screen CXR work slash events, what I’m gonna do is just share with you quickly what we’ve got ahead in September. So some things for you to know about now. Well, a lot, I’m gonna give you a little bit August two, we have a workshop coming up on competency based recruiting, which we’re excited, we’ve got a friend of mine who was coming in, she’s going to help with that, that’s going to be August 30. We have a community up meeting that is also August 30. And those are for our members that are in transition, we’ve created a membership for them, where they’re going to come in. These TA leaders and talk about what’s going on in the space. And as they’re searching for work. So there’ll be with us August 30. But in September, we’re going to be doing a podcast show, I think on the fifth, where we’re going to have a recruiting community podcast ta day 2023, we’re going to do that we’ve got a monthly startup ta meeting, which is going to be September 8. And we’ve got dozens of startup leaders in the TA space, we’re coming together to talk about what’s a little bit different. On the startup side of TA right, it’s a different set of muscles, we had quite a few people during during and post pandemic, I think TA leaders left big organizations to go to smaller, more startup size or field or orgs, like that to lead TA and what they’ve learned. And now we’re pulling them together to kind of talk with each other about what’s going on in that space. We’ve got our in person candidate experience meeting that’s coming up on September 11. We’re going to be at Edward Jones. And that is September 11. We’re doing that for a couple of days, actually. So if you’ve been with us for that, but it’ll be in St. Louis. It’s going to be the 11th through the 13th as we go through it. And then I think Employer Branding meeting is going to be online. We’ve got an EMEA meeting coming up that’s going to be online. And then of course we’ve got our monthly lecture that we’ve got becoming the leader of distinction. If you weren’t on the last one, we had 300 people registered for that one just over. So I’d encourage you to check that out. And then I think lastly, I’ll just share with you we have a leadership summit. We’re going to be in Napa. It’s going to be hosted at the Louis M Martini winery with EJ Gallo, as our host we’re excited about that we do that one. This year where we’re bringing together a bunch of the TA leaders to talk about what’s keeping them up at night and work on a couple of things together. So that is it is a big packed end of year, month of September. So, if you if you haven’t checked out cxr.org/events, head out there and see what we’ve got going on and what you can be part of, it’s not all members only, there’s quite a few things out there you can jump into. So with all of that, that very long winded intro, I’m going to welcome our guest today, Terra Doyle. Terra, welcome back to the show.

Terra Doyle 5:30
Thank you, Chris. Good to be here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 5:31
Yeah. Well, it’s nice to have you back. This is not your first night first dance with us. You’ve been here before. That’s a good sign. Of course, we love to have you back. So for those who maybe don’t know, you tell, why don’t you give us a little bit of that escalator pitch to talk a little bit about what you do at Roche? Maybe how long you’ve been there, and why we should be listening to you. And then we’re going to jump into this thing called influence.

Terra Doyle 5:54
Absolutely. Yeah. So again, thanks for the invite. So Terra Doyle, I’m based out of Indianapolis, I’ve been with Roche now for five years, I am the area of practice lead for recruiting for the Americas region. We are a company based out of Switzerland. So I have a couple colleagues in a pack that help facilitate and run the execution of recruiting for our global function. I’ve been in the talent acquisition space for 20 years in the area of corporate agency as well as RPO. So I kind of have that Holy Trinity as I like to call it experience level. So it’s been a really fantastic fun ride. It’s ever changing. So yeah, I’ve touched a little bit of everything in my entire career. So maybe that’s why you have you’re keeping coming back. But it’s got a lot of fun things happening. In Roche then Indyfluence, which is not just a Roche initiative, actually.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 6:08
Well, there’s a myriad of reasons why we would have you back, obviously. But let’s talk a little bit about this thing called Indyfluence because I had not I had not heard of this until it came up in a conversation So I guess the first question we’ve got Terra is what is Indyfluence and how did Roche, I guess first get involved with Indyfluence? Like what sparked that initial interest with them?

Terra Doyle 7:07
Yeah, well, actually, Roche was one of the founding companies for it. So maybe it’s best to kind of start with why it even came to, to kind of come to fruition. So there were a lot of large companies located locally, like one America, Eli Lilly, Roche, that, you know, they just came to terms to say, look, we fight for talent every day, you know, against each other. But we also have a really unique proposition to be able to figure out how we can keep talent in the city and ultimately the state of Indiana. And so, you know, it’s kind of unheard of, to have companies partner together to say, how can we come collectively to do this together, because we will all benefit from it as we keep people here. So this started in pre pandemic, to come together and figure out what what could this be and how it started. And what it’s evolved to, has obviously changed in a good positive way. But when it started, there were a handful of companies that basically got their interns together. At that time, it was one day, and it was a day of service all around the city. After that day of service, they converged upon Georgia street downtown if you’re familiar with Indianapolis, for basically a party. I mean, there were community leaders that were there and it was just a chance to engage and network and just give them a flavor for what the city had to offer. So fast forward to now this year, which was our first year back fully in person because during COVID we obviously took a programming virtual and the evolution was fantastic so what what it was this year because I think this is important to note is that it ended up being a four week programming so instead of just one event at one time, we’ve been divided into segments which was needed. So what is the city? What are we all about right? Gen Z talent cares for more than just have a job like that’s the community effort, it’s what kind of that community has to offer, it’s big for them. And so we want them to see what Indy is they want we wanted them to learn from Indy and that means exposure to other companies here not just the one they’re interning for, but how can they really see what other industries are there and also meet other interns from those locations so expanding their social as well as their personal networks and lastly was to give back so there still was a give back element they actually got together and had a $14,000 endowment and they were able to give to a local not for profit that they voted on so it was like I said there’s been a nice evolution but in theory where it started was just let’s get these people here and loving the city loving the companies are here so that when they graduate they come back or if they’re from here they stay that was the intent final thing.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 9:34
I love that. Well I love that feeling of giving back I love the fact that you’re connecting those students with other students right so they may not necessarily be doing understood it directly I guess directly headed to Roche they might they might be headed to other employers right and connecting them anyway.

Terra Doyle 9:51
Yeah, absolutely. That’s yeah, that’s a key part of it, too is it’s it’s very difficult. I mean, you know, any work you have internships are no different. You kind of get in your side Hello, I’m busy doing your thing. And you know, some of them are here just for just for that 10 week period. Again, some might live here and they’re having internships, but you’ve got a variety. And so you’re really kind of maximizing the time and creating that in a real direct way. Instead of oh, maybe find someone now on Mass Ave and happen to connect on this is a really intentional, and they have things in common. And that’s really good. So you helped facilitate them. So I think, again, organically, it has really expanded their networks in way that it is creating future connections, whether they stay or not, but we’ve had some really great success so far. So I know we’ll talk about that in a little bit.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 10:35
I love it. Yeah. And I do have a question about I do, but for those who are listening and not watching, we got it up on the screen, where you can check out Indyfluence. And it’s just what it sounds on. Its i ndyfluence dot com. It’s super easy. So let’s take a half a step back, Terra, let me ask you like, what, what challenges are unique to Roche that you guys faced in attracting early career talent? And how does partnering with community based or like an Indyfluence sort of help address those specifically?

Terra Doyle 11:09
Yeah, well first of all, any organization needs to be ready to accept early career talent, right. So it starts with your, your jobs, and really the experience you look for. And so Roche, like many organizations are looking at what what is what is it required to come in, certainly some require experience, but others really, it’s your potential, it’s the ability, it’s kind of how you’re leaning in that mindset. And those are just really important pieces in the perspective and unique kind of variances that this Gen Z talent is coming in, the perspective they bring just is really fantastic. So our challenge was one how do you rate yourself for and then two, how do you really get those people knowing who you are, we are very branded locally. You know, we’ve got a very big facility. We’ve got, you know, a lot of employees here, but we’re also a Swiss owned company. So there’s also an element of what is what does that company do, and you hear Roche, they might think, pharmaceutical, we also are headquartered diagnostic division here for North America. So it’s also education, on what we as a company has to offer. And then also just getting people excited about it, you know, I had mentioned Gen Z, you know, their interests are different kind of his work life integration is important. And for us, as an organization, what we do for patients kind of in the biotechnology, healthcare space, it can personally touch every single person. And so for us, it was getting them excited to connect that work life. And they could do that now, not only through their work, but then how they live and experience that. So for us, that was that was a really big problem that we continually always want to solve.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 12:41
I love that. I love it. Is there? Is there a specific way? I mean, how does Roche sort of measure the return on the investment for community involvement piece like this? Right, particularly with like, like Indyfluence?

Terra Doyle 12:52
Yeah, you know, a lot of it can be measured also in just applicant flow, right? For those students that are in internships that ultimately come in, also connections that are made. So you have, you know, clicks and social media that you can take a look at what we’re doing to the true true testament to though, are hires. So it’s conversion for those that we have an intern opportunities that convert to full time, but also those that might have experienced internships and other organizations locally that then come to us upon their graduation either in kind of our full time, what I call standard position, or even like our rotational programs, which are built for early careertalent. So just like a lot of other organizations, it’s what are those conversion rates and like indyfluence, just so you know, initially, the first year, when we had 500, half of those people converted to full time opportunities locally. That’s a pretty significant turnaround. We’re still waiting on the numbers for this year, right? Because you kind of have to wait until your cycle most of them were rising seniors, but we actually think will be higher this year. And we had over 600 interns this year for 32 states and 23 countries.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 14:00
Wow, those are small numbers.

Terra Doyle 14:02
Yeah, not small at all and continues to grow.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 14:04
Yeah, very interesting. And how long? I don’t know if I caught it earlier. How long has Indyfluence been around? You know?

Terra Doyle 14:10
Yeah. Our first year of like, full full in person programming was 2019. And then went virtually for a couple years. And this was our, our next year back basically, in that full time capacity in person.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 14:22
Yeah, I was gonna say so this is sort of come out of that run of the pandemic and come out of that piece there. So it’s got it’s got an interesting history on it. So to be able to see it grow. And I think it’s just inspiring, right? Anything that is that is going back into the community, I think, or that gets built out of that community as a way to just kind of come together. And as you mentioned earlier, where these students are meeting each other, you’re strengthening their networks that really go I mean, Terra, they really go beyond Roche, like they really go beyond that profession, I would imagine.

Terra Doyle 14:51
It is and what they’re also interested in learning and understanding is what’s the company’s give back like what are their philanthropic efforts? Where are they spending their time outside of kind With our core businesses that’s really, really important to the students. And so this gives them the opportunity to do that. I think where the challenge comes, you know, indie fluence actually has a requirement for those that might, you know, sign up their interns is to, they have to make sure to really support their involvement, because you may have your day to day intern job, but we’re asking them also to have attendance at kickoff, you know, or the close and potentially they have the ability to participate in the programming elements. And so there’s an expectation that companies will honor that sometimes that’s hard, right? I mean, you’re these people are doing meaningful work. It’s normally not just your internships, I think I’ve come a long way over the years of not just doing busybody work, but they’re really doing meaningful projects. And so sometimes it’s hard to let them go. So that’s one challenge that we continue to work through is for them to find the balance so they can get the job done, but then also really lean into the to the Indyfluence program.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 15:53
Because that way, you’re right. I mean, there’s a lot of work that’s going on, you brought these interns to speaking as the hiring team, right, you brought these interns in to do some stuff, but what do you mean, you’re pulling them out of here to go do something else that, you know, maybe doesn’t initially impact me directly? And that’s

Terra Doyle 16:07
with another company that maybe they get more interested. You gotta sell that and I imagined exactly, but they honestly do. It’s great. It’s just, just like anything people have to prioritize in terms in this capacity are absolutely no different.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 16:21
Oh, I love that. Well look. So looking ahead, what would you say Terra’s next for I guess, Roche’s community based recruiting strategies? Are there? Do you have any exciting plans ahead that you can share? Even if they’re just outside of Indyfluence? Right, if they’re not related to that, but they’re, they’re just community based efforts?

Terra Doyle 16:39
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Roche is a company that invests a lot locally, not only with it, and really at all levels of the organization, but also our senior leadership, being involved in a lot of different community efforts. It’s an important piece, it’s who we are. And it’s what we do in our industry. But the other thing that we are doing specific to kind of draw talent in is, you know, I think that the university channels are great, they’re becoming more robust. So that has been very strong for us. Now, we’re changing the game, you know, we’re getting down into the high school levels. And so we also have some very specific high school initiatives and programs, the state of Indiana, for the 2024 graduating class, so that so this year, there’s a requirement to get your high school diploma, that it’s not just enough to go to school. So you also have to have work experience project management experience, volunteer experience. And so a lot of schools are really looking for that out and who can we partner with that might be able to give our students some of the significant opportunities and we do have partnerships with some local high schools, to allow them also to have summer internships, and some of them are also even for the school year where they’re getting school credit. So for us that’s I think, another next level evolution to look at apprenticeships and how meaningful they can be not only to those students, but also to us as an organization.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 17:57
Yeah, I think apprenticeships, I had not really given fair consideration to apprenticeships, until some months ago, when we had a guest on to literally talk about the value of those and, and how they maybe don’t mean what you think they mean, if you’ve been in the TA space for a while, I was quite surprised at some of those things. But Terra, let me ask you, and maybe not specific to Roche, just just your opinion. Right. So not speaking on behalf of Roche or on behalf of Indyfluence.

I wonder if you would agree that coming out of the pandemic, we have seen some the education falls a little bit behind? No, but I don’t think anybody can argue that because of the state of things. But this is going back into the community and going back into invest in different ways to recruit or even grow talent locally. I don’t think we’re done with that. I think we’re going to continue to see a lot of that come out. Do you think that this is in part a result of that, that environment that that we’re trying so hard to emerge from? And then with that, yes or no? What do you think’s next? You know, where are we going next with this? Do you think as an industry?

Terra Doyle 19:01
Yeah, I think it is. Yeah, I mean, I agree with you, I think that there was a lot that happened with things that were lost. And I mean, I would tell you like from from workers, we’ve been used to things in a very virtual way for a very long time. But you students that are still developing and still building their knowledge base, it was much more difficult, let alone the uncertainty that was in the world. So I guess the short answer is yes, I think there’s an impact on that for sure. And what I appreciate are companies that are almost like giving a pause on it. It’s almost like how the university said, hey, you know what, let’s drop the test requirements for your standardized testing for your normal college admittance because we recognize I think companies are doing the same thing. I think they’re really looking at what are the requirements what is expected because they value again, that perspective, the mindset, the capability, I think that that is different, so now they’re making their jobs more ready for that which I think is a direct result or for Some of them at least a direct result of that pandemic. And then what’s next? I think it’s further developing that I just think that there’s a different appreciation now to what’s needed. Recognizing that you have jobs that require people to have PhDs or MDs, that’s never going to change, you’re not going to flex on it, that’d be bad for all of us. But for those where you can still have meaningful and valuable work by not having XYZ, or your grades weren’t as great, I think that there really is some lapse and I think will continually evolve and make our organizations more ready for that talent. And basically, it’s going to meet them where they’re at. And that does not mean that you’re lowering your standards. I think it’s just you’re meeting the needs of the people that ultimately are going to be your future. And that feels fairly natural.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 20:45
Yeah, I think it’s spot on. It’s funny, because we had a guest on the show, I think a couple of weeks ago, when the topic came up. He’s a senior TA leader, been in the space about 30 years or so doing a lot of work well, and a successful background. And recruiter called him up and said, Hey, you applied for this. It’s a I forget, it was a senior director or EVP, or some level of role right in senior leadership for TA. And they said, but there’s, you missed the part on your application. And in the process, we assume it’s just a mistake, no college diploma, there’s no degree listed here. Whereas it he said, Well, I didn’t graduate from college. And they said, Oh, well, this requires a college degree. And it’s like, even with that track record of success, even 30 something years in the space, some organizations still get hung up on that. I think that’s just so broken.

Terra Doyle 21:35
It is. I could not agree with you more.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 21:38
Yeah. And it’s, I think you raise a really good point of tying, like, what do we really need in the space for these roles. And I think what I suspect we’re going to begin to see is, is more of an an emergence of companies that are trying to help shape the curriculum. For the, you know, the VO techs and for you know, the secondary schools and education is coming out of here, the skills that are more on track with the talent that we’re going to need, and hoping that will help.

Terra Doyle 22:05
Yeah, because that’s a good point. And actually, on that we, we partner with the University of Indianapolis for that, and it’s a direct program where we have helped kind of build that curriculum together, and it feeds interns that feed into full time positions. So I think for us, and I think many companies are along the same route. It’s again, it’s I think, easier and more open at the university level, but you’re looking at the other, you know, the trades and how they can funnel in you’re also looking at those that don’t go to any post secondary. There’s an entire populations in many underserved areas. And so I think that’s also where the change comes is there’s a recognition of what you want to do for your community and offering those. And that’s where I think also working with city leaders is very helpful, because you know, sometimes you even forget, we need to talk about transportation as well. Folks may not have access to transportation. So how do you now kind of build that to ensure they can get to where they need to get and now we are shaping unity? That’s a game changer. And I think that that’s absolutely directionally where we need to go.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 23:07
I love it. I love it. 100% agree with that’s why I love it. I 100% agree with you. Okay, so we asked everybody, with the state of things, and this topic tear, if you were gonna write a book, what is the title of that book today?

Terra Doyle 23:23
Ooh, specific on this, Chris.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 23:25
Sure. Just around this topic of, you know, we’re having to change how we, how we touch younger talent and how we reach out to them and connect with them and the whole breadth of the last 22 minutes.

Terra Doyle 23:38
You know, what I would say? I would say, and I’m not gonna say the right words, but what I’m getting to is like, meet meet you where you’re at, right? So it’s almost like there’s a tagline of meet you where you’re at, and we’re gonna get there together. So I would need to in typical Terra fashion wordsmith that but in essence,

Chris Hoyt, CXR 23:58
somebody Chat GPT, that for me,

Terra Doyle 24:01
Will be far more eloquent. Yes.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 24:03
I love that. Okay, so second question. Who gets the first signed copy?

Terra Doyle 24:08
Well, you of course,

Chris Hoyt, CXR 24:09
So you can’t give it to me. No.

Terra Doyle 24:12
And the second one, right up here, my bookcase.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 24:15
There it goes up to the top. That’s perfect. All right, Terra. fantastic to see you. I want to I’m gonna throw it up one more time. And we can get it on the screen. Check out Indyfluence. It’s indyfluence.com. check those guys out. If you want a little bit more information on that. You can also of course, connect with Terra, who is out on the LinkedIn it’s just as you would imagine, slash and slash Terra Doyle. So you can connect to her directly and here that’s it. I just want to say thank you so much. I know you’re super busy and really, really so much gratitude for you making time to chat with everybody.

Terra Doyle 24:45
It was my pleasure, Chris. Thanks for having me.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 24:48
All right, good stuff. Until next week, everybody let’s say bye.

CXR Announcer 24:55
Thanks for listening to the CXR channel. Please subscribe to see CXR on your favorite podcast source and leave us a review while you’re at it. Learn more about CXR at our website CXR dot works facebook.com and twitter.com/career crossroads and on Instagram at career X roads. We’ll catch you next time.