I like to think of ethics as a moral seat belt we unthinkingly and automatically buckle up as we go about our business. Probably not important…until it is.
And so, it was an unexpected reminder to check my buckle when I received an email sent via LinkedIn last week. My initial reaction to the headline was “Really? Are you comfortable being that transparent?” Seth (who I don’t know and am not connected to) pointedly asked me, “Would you be interested in making money under the table!!” I then read that he was interested in assisting me to fill my [contract] openings, that he didn’t know or care what my role was (internal or external) but was “willing to pay (me) separately $2/hr. for the length of the contract.”
Would you be interested in making money under the table?
Earlier this year we posted a survey that confirmed that ethics was pretty far down on the list of things keeping TA leaders up at night. Check out the results here. I know requests like the one I received aren’t terribly unusual and it got me thinking…
Over on LinkedIn I’ve posted some scenarios and asked a few of the questions that popped into my head. Check it out and let me know where you stand: Recruiting Ethics is Not a Priority…Until It Is.