CXR Recommends [Article]: HR and People Analytics Conferences to attend in 2020

While the year has only just begun, many of us have been mapping out our 2020 business travel plans for months.  That’s why when people like Hung Lee at Recruiting Brainfood shares a “big list of events to attend” and resources to pay attention to, we take note and furiously scribble tentative dates in our calendars.

Additionally worth checking out is the recently published list of “The Best People Analytics and HR Conferences to Attend in 2020” from David Green over at  While there is some overlap of the two (and we’re always hard-pressed to call any list “the best”) these quick reads should help kick-start the conference calendars for most of us and our teams.

Picture of Chris Hoyt

Chris Hoyt

A veteran of recruiting and HR, Hoyt is a sought-after speaker with presentations including national conferences with SHRM, LinkedIn, HR Technology, ERE and others in the USA as well as UNLEASH, iRecruit, Australasian Talent Conference and more abroad. Chris has been promoting and leading full scale and enterprise-wide integrations of social media and mobile marketing within workforce strategies for his entire career. His expertise and passion for interactive/social recruiting, candidate experience, and both national and international recruiting strategies are all areas that Hoyt now leverages as co-owner and President at CareerXroads, a Recruiting/Staffing consulting and think tank organization that works with corporate leaders from around the world to break out of traditional recruitment practices and push the envelope in an effort to win the ongoing war for top talent.

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