CXR Recommends [Article]: Companies Rising to the Challenge of COVID-19

Kudos to Jason Wingard and Forbes Magazine for this article: Do the Right Thing? Three Companies Showing Exemplary Leadership During the Pandemic

We love the focus on companies rising to the unprecedented challenges in front of us during this COVID-19 pandemic. (And we’re not just saying that because the three companies featured in this article are CXR members.) CVS, Target and Amazon – and many others – are leading the way when it comes to looking for creative solutions to the problems facing all businesses during this time. They are also leading the way when it comes to looking out for people – and that’s the part that we think deserves even more attention. 

We continue to be very impressed with the responses of CXR members and all talent professionals to addressing the challenges that continue to bubble up during the COVID-19 crisis.

  • People working together to “loan” their furloughed talent to those organizations that are ramping up hiring 
  • College/University Hiring programs offering communication tools to their students to help support them and keep them informed as internships and early career programs shift – some of them into uncharted territory with virtual experiences.
  • Organizations looking for ways to pay employees, honor start dates, and extend sick leave.
  • Recruiting teams pulling together virtual interview training to help support their hiring managers as they shift to a new way of interviewing. 

Weekly opportunity to engage with your peers on plans to address the challenges of COVID-19

A few weeks ago we started hosting a call every Wednesday afternoon for leaders in talent acquisition and talent management to discuss the ever-changing landscape that the novel Coronavirus has brought to us. You can listen to recordings of those calls here. And you can join us – it’s open to anyone, not just CXR members – for this opportunity to engage with each other and address concerns together. Register for the CXR Weekly COVID-19 Conference

Now more than ever, it’s important that we leverage the tools at our disposal to connect with each other. To help each other. To look at a problem that is larger than any of us and come together with creative solutions that support both our businesses and each other. 

[Join these opportunities to share resources, discuss plans and learn from each other. All these resources are completely open and free for you and your entire team regardless of membership status. ]



Picture of Gerry Crispin

Gerry Crispin

Gerry co-authored eight books on the evolution of staffing and has written 100s of articles and whitepapers on similar topics during a career in Human Resources that spans more than 40 years from HR leadership positions at Johnson and Johnson; to boutique Executive Search firms; a Career Services Director at the University where he received his Engineering and 2 advanced degrees in Organizational/Industrial Behavior; and, GM of a major recruitment advertising firm even as he launched CareerXroads 25 years ago.

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