Automated hiring software is “mistakenly” rejecting millions of viable job candidates

Over-reliance on software in the hiring world seems to have created a vicious cycle that could be easily avoided.

When automated software designed to filter job applicants is mistakenly rejecting them — by the millions — as shown in a recent study out of Harvard, it begs the question: Are we learning anything in our race to automation other than we’re still not sure how to effectively automate much after all these years?

In this case, we’re specifically referring to automated resume scanning software and ATS screening. As a recent Verge article highlights and the original HBS report linked below finds, these are used by 75 percent of US employers (rising to 99 percent of Fortune 500 companies) and were adopted in response to a rise in digital job applications from the ‘90s onwards.

Over-reliance on software in the hiring world seems to have created a vicious cycle. Ironically, it also seems to be a problem that is recurring time and again as shown by these headlines found over the past four years.

Automation goes far beyond resume scanning, however. Recruiting automation and AI are embedded in so much of the recruiting process that correcting these issues might well become its own discipline of talent secondary to what we hope is the analysis and repair of the biases (“gaps” in employment, for example) that are being passed forward to our robot recruiting tools long before a real human ever sees a candidate’s application.

Technology makes it easier for people to apply to jobs, but also easier for companies to reject them at their own peril.

Read more from the source: The Verge, Published by: James Vincent

Read the sourced report from Harvard Business School (recommended.)

Picture of Chris Hoyt

Chris Hoyt

A veteran of recruiting and HR, Hoyt is a sought-after speaker with presentations including national conferences with SHRM, LinkedIn, HR Technology, ERE and others in the USA as well as UNLEASH, iRecruit, Australasian Talent Conference and more abroad. Chris has been promoting and leading full scale and enterprise-wide integrations of social media and mobile marketing within workforce strategies for his entire career. His expertise and passion for interactive/social recruiting, candidate experience, and both national and international recruiting strategies are all areas that Hoyt now leverages as co-owner and President at CareerXroads, a Recruiting/Staffing consulting and think tank organization that works with corporate leaders from around the world to break out of traditional recruitment practices and push the envelope in an effort to win the ongoing war for top talent.

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