2017 standards were tougher this year to ensure that the quality of the responses from nearly 200,000 candidates from more than 200 firms, met completion requirements, response totals and response rate goals and, could be ‘normalized’ to ensure they included appropriate proportions of candidates who were not hired versus those knowing they were offered a position when they responded.
Data review was done ‘blind’ – w/o reference to company name. The 50 firms form a bench and their aggregate data is accessible by all participants- as is their ‘practices’ at each stage of the candidate journey. We’ll be looking for more specifics at the Candes Symposium next month (Oct. 2) in Nashville and distributing what we learn over the next year.
While only the 50 ‘winners’ are acknowledged publicly, congratulations are offered to every participant. Each is a winner for their willingness to look in the mirror, collaborate with their peers, colleagues and competitors to improve their ability to measure and improve the treatment of their candidates.
A third of CareerXroads’ members participated in the CandEs this year. A quarter of the CandEs top 50 (13) were members. Congrats to all. We’ll look to learn what we can from those whose practices moved them up this year and inspire others to adopt practices that give them an edge in 2018.